Dedicated to making
more out of corporate

Dedicated to
making more out
of corporate


Motion heads

is a creative production company dedicated to elevating corporate storytelling.

We are frequently hired to engage and connect people through moving imagery by combining creative ideas with strategic principles to help our customers get more communication out of their information.

Our team consists of industry professionals with broad experiences in corporate, cultural, and commercial media. Thank’s to that, we can help with a wide range of formats, and make the most out of your corporate storytelling!

We are happy to help with your upcoming project!

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Motion Heads är mycket inkännande och förstår briefen med exakt fingertoppskänsla. Genom deras absoluta gehör kring story och tonalitet kan ett företag sticka ut utan att bli udda, de träffar snarare djupare och använder content för att bli mer relevanta. Dessutom präglas deras arbete av en personlig varm relation, positivitet och öppet sinne utan att någonsin tappa fokus på affärsnytta.

– Vicky S, Senior marketing manager

Jag kan varmt rekommendera Motion Heads när det kommer till film, animationer & rörligt material. Har jobbat länge med dem och de är grymma! Alltid bra leverans och kunder tycker verkligen deras arbete gör skillnad.

– Nicklas C, Senior project manager

Motion heads is a wonderful, fun and competent team to have around you. They spread great energy and is full of new and innovative ideas. We had a great cooperation with creating content for our customers social media channels. They have a great eye for details and knows how to make any subject interesting and eye catching with cool content.

– Emma A, Socail media specialist

What we do

Our team have a long experience when it comes to producing video. With us you can expect a dedicated video production partner who follow you from A-Z during the process. We take your individual story seriously and always aim to evolve the segment. In a time where we are all used to be entertained wherever we go and scroll on as soon as it gets uninteresting, we strive to produce visually appealing content that tells more in less time by keeping the viewer interested, educated, and entertained.

Have a short but important message to speak? Want to record your keynote-presentation or send a Christmas greeting to your costumers or employees? We can have a fully equipped videographer at your location site often within the same day and deliver a finished well produced video that same evening. Give us a call and we be happy to assist with your swift production!

Motion heads offer both productions where you come to our partner studio in Stockholm, or we can come and build up a studio at your office or production site. With our most agile technical set-up we have even been broadcasting live from the Swedish forests. In a studio format you’re given more time to tell your story and set your mark as the expert of your segment. Have the cozy lounge guested by employees, experts, and members of the board to entertain and build a closer relationship with your viewers.

Sometimes an animation says it better! (and simpler) With no physical limitations and the help of our talented illustrators we can make the complex easier to understand and explain as we entertain. Do you have a process you’d like explained? Want to show how to register or set-up an account with you? Give us a call and we’ll let you know if an animation could be a good option for you!

Your employees are the key to your company’s success. You already knew that! But are you taking proper actions to tell candidates why your company should be there next place to grow? We develop and produce EB-formats where candidates get to meet their future colleagues and get an insight into your company’s culture and values. With our employer branding formats we help you tell your what’s and why’s and build closer relations with future and present colleagues.